There are now dozens of scientifically rigorous studies on exercise before cancer treatment that show a program of training for treatment has significant, measurable, and important benefits for patients.

The name for such interventions is “prehabilitation,” denoting it is the opposite of “rehabilitation.” For prehabilitation, the goal is to improve your physical and emotional well-being before treatment starts. The patients who engage in prehabilitation (training before treatment) are stronger, healthier, happier, and better prepared for the next phase of their life, whether that’s additional treatments or life as a cancer survivor.

There are 5 aspects to the Prehabilitation program. 







If you want to read some of the science behind training before treatment (prehabilitation), try these sources:

Promoting a culture of prehabilitation for the surgical cancer patient. 
Francesco Carli et al. 2017

Cancer Prehabilitation: An Opportunity to Decreast Treatment related morbidity, increase cancer treatment options, and improve physical and psychological health outcomes. 
Silver J.  et al. 2013

A systematic review of prehabilitation programs in abdominal cancer surgery
Hijazi et al. 2017

PubMed search on ‘prehabilitation’, ‘cancer’, and ‘clinical trials’